Customer Journey Map Template
What is the template?
The Customer Journey template is used when you are looking to better understand your customer’s journey and subsequent business actions.
How do you use it?
The following steps will help you get started using the Customer Journey Map template.
Step 1: Define the details
Before kicking off the session, ensure the team is aligned on the customer, time period, or experience the journey map will be based upon.
Step 2: Map it out
Go through the experience providing insight and details within each horizontal workstream.
For actions, think through what the customer is doing concerning your service, product, or brand.
Next, move to the touchpoints that showcase all the places within the brand journey where customers might interact with the company, the products, goods, or services.
From there, begin to mark emotional drivers such as customers’ perception of the brand and how positive or negative their interaction with the process, product, etc.
Finally, look internally. What are the aligned business goals that should be accomplished within the time frame? Based on each section, what are the teams and/or individuals responsible for each interaction?
Step 3: Look for opportunities
Review the entire map and solution as a team to help define ways that the solution, product, or service can elevate the negatives and expand on the positives.
Remember, at the end of the process, you can add an additional journey map to showcase the ideal flow your team would like to build.