Brightidea Accelerate
Efficiently manage an accelerator program within your business, while shepherding classes of external startups to growth and success.
Advanced Capabilities to Boost Your Rate of Follow-On Funding
Use Brightidea Accelerate to manage an internal startup with structure and discipline.

Easily Evaluate and Select Promising Startups
With a systematic scoring system, Accelerate makes it easy to evaluate startups for viability. Those with higher scores can then be chosen for further development.

Generate a Checklist for Rigorous Management
Through preconfigured questions, the Development Tool generates a checklist for systematically managing the development of a startup. The questions can involve either a specific idea for a new product or service, or more general topics around the startup’s audience and strategy.

Collaborate on Business Model Evaluation
With its Business Model tool, Accelerate provides a canvas to visualize all the elements of a startup’s business model. The Riskiest Assumptions tool identifies and ranks the business model’s risks, from which you can set up a pipeline to test and work on reducing.
Startup Application Review
Easily Evaluate and Select Promising Startups
With a systematic scoring system, Accelerate makes it easy to evaluate startups for viability. Those with higher scores can then be chosen for further development.
Development Checkpoints
Generate a Checklist for Rigorous Management
Through preconfigured questions, the Development Tool generates a checklist for systematically managing the development of a startup. The questions can involve either a specific idea for a new product or service, or more general topics around the startup’s audience and strategy.

Team Workspace
Collaborate on Business Model Evaluation
With its Business Model tool, Accelerate provides a canvas to visualize all the elements of a startup’s business model. The Riskiest Assumptions tool identifies and ranks the business model’s risks, from which you can set up a pipeline to test and work on reducing.