Brightidea + Unsplash
Bring your ideas to life with the Unsplash library
There’s no need to search the web for images when you need inspiration — now you can leverage our integration with Unsplash to access millions of striking photos to help bring your ideas to life.
Help your team visualize your ideas with Unsplash
Gain access to the 1,000,000+ photos in Unsplash to help you find the perfect image to represent and sell your idea. Unsplash’s crowdsourced photos have a contemporary look and feel that will help your ideas standout.
Enhance your Whiteboards
Select a photo from Unsplash and import directly into Whiteboard.
Illustrate your ideas
Upload a preview image from Unsplash when creating a new idea.
Inspire creativity
Use images for icebreaker templates to spur your team’s best creative thinking.
How Unsplash Works
Unsplash is a crowdsourced marketplace for high resolution images. Choose from over 1,000,000 stunning photos with the Brightidea + Unsplash integration.