Brightidea + Microsoft Word:

Send your ideas from Microsoft Word to Brightidea

The Brightidea + Microsoft Word integration enables you to draft your ideas, memos, and business proposals in MS Word and easily send them to Brightidea for evaluation and further development.

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Create Professional Documents and Memos

Connect Microsoft Word with Brightidea Memo to write, revise, and collaborate on your ideas, innovation initiatives, and business proposals.

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Stick to What You Know

Continue using Microsoft Word and then import your docs into Brightidea Memo for evaluation.

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Integrate With Other Microsoft Programs

Brightidea Memo and Microsoft Word can integrate with Microsoft 365 for all the tools you need to create game changing memos.


Customize to Your Needs

With numerous customizable features, Microsoft Word lets you create documents any way you want.

How Microsoft Word Works

Microsoft Word is the industry-standard word processing program. With Microsoft Word, you can write down your ideas and create professional documents such as reports, memos, and business proposals.

Microsoft Word Screenshot

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